Realgar, Orpiment & Selenite

Minerals: Realgar, Orpiment, Selenite.
– Field of View: 3 cm (appr.)
– Found: Peru (Palomo Mine)
Photo: Leo Jahaan
In this extremely rare and unusual specimen, needles of red Realgar have formed and then been covered by translucent Selenite, with clear windows allowing viewing of the crystals within. Some Realgar needles have penetrated the Selenite and altered to orange Orpiment.

Minerals: Realgar, Orpiment & Selenite (clear Gypsum).
– Specimen Size: 8 x 6 x 3.5 cm (appr.)
Photo: Leo Jahaan

Decription: Orpiment (orange) filling crevices and exit points of red Realgar needles where they have penetrated the Selenite Matrix.
– Field of View: 3 cm (appr.)
Photo: Leo Jahaan