Representational Fine Art Photography.


Open Studio during 48 Stunden Neukölln, 2014

Posted June 7, 2014
Open Studio Preparations

Open Studio Preparations

Berlin’s annual 48 Stunden Neukölln event will be taking place this year from June 27 to 29.

My studio is part of the official program, and on these 3 dates I will have an ‘Open Studio’ inviting the public to view a large collection of my latest work.

In fact I have been preparing a large body of work specifically for this event, with many paintings being exhibited for the first time.

The unofficial name of my exhibition will be ‘4992 Hours’, as this is roughly the number of hours that I have put into the creation of these paintings over the last year.

Visitors will be treated to an unforgettable viewing experience with wall-to-wall paintings displayed throughout the studio space.

You can find the studio address, along with the opening times for each day, on the official 48 Stunden website here: